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Showing posts with the label Immigrant Community

6 Immigrant Experience Nailed by the Movie "Coming to America"

     As a classic comedy film, "Coming to America" may not be the first movie that comes to mind when considering immigration experiences. However, upon closer examination, the movie nails several aspects of the immigrant experience in the United States. Here are six things that "Coming to America" got right about the immigrant experience: 1. The Culture Shock:  When Prince Akeem Joffer (Eddie Murphy) lands in the bustling city of New York from his serene home country of Zamunda, he experiences the quintessential immigrant sensation of culture shock. The fast-paced lifestyle and unfamiliar food choices leave Akeem feeling overwhelmed, a sentiment that echoes the experiences of many immigrants in the United States. 2. The Language Barrier:  Akeem's friend and assistant Semmi (Arsenio Hall) struggles to understand the slang and colloquialisms Americans use, highlighting the language barriers many immigrants face when coming to a new country. 3. The Struggle to Fin

Navigating the US Immigration System:

Tips and Resources for Success Immigrating to the United States (US) can be a complex and confusing process, but with knowledge and adequate resources, it is possible to navigate the system successfully. This article shares tips and resources to help you navigate the US immigration system. Understand the Different Types of Visas The first step in navigating the US immigration system is to understand the different types of visas available to you. The two main categories of visas are immigrant and nonimmigrant . Immigrant visas are for migrants who are seeking permanent residence status in the US. Nonimmigrant visas are for temporary stays in the US and usually have a time limit. However, some temporary visas provide a legal pathway to a green card. There are many different types of visas for different purposes, including leisure/visitation, work visas, student visas, family-based visas, and humanitarian visas. Each type of visa has its own eligibility requirements and application proce

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