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Showing posts with the label Inflation

Inflation and Estate Planning: Protecting Your Legacy

Inflation is an insidious force that silently erodes the value of our assets over time. While its impact on everyday expenses is apparent, its influence on estate planning is often overlooked . This article will explore how inflation affects estate planning and provide strategies to safeguard your legacy. Understanding the Impact of Inflation on Estate Planning Inflation directly impacts the value of your estate. As the cost of living rises, the purchasing power of your assets diminishes. This means that the estate you meticulously planned might not provide the same level of financial security for your beneficiaries as initially intended. Inflation and Estate Taxes While the federal estate tax exemption has been adjusted to account for inflation, it's essential to monitor these changes closely . A sudden spike in inflation could push your estate value above the exemption threshold, resulting in significant tax implications. State Estate Taxes: Many states impose estate taxes,

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