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Showing posts with the label Non-citizen Child

Petitioning for Non-Citizen Child's Green Card: Does Dad Need a Paternity Test?

The task of petitioning for your non-citizen child to obtain a green card or United States residency can be intimidating. While there are several requirements, One common question fathers have is whether they need a paternity test. The short answer is that it depends! Depending on the specific circumstances of your case, you may or may not need a paternity test. Generally, a paternity test is not required for a father to petition for their non-citizen child. However, if there is any doubt about the biological relationship between you and your child, a paternity test may be required to establish your legal standing as the child's father. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS): USCIS typically requires a DNA test if the father's name isn't on the child's birth certificate. U.S. Department of State: The Department of State may also require a DNA test for children born abroad to U.S. citizen fathers to verify the relationship. Under normal circumstances, as

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